Thursday 16 February 2012


So, after my big declaration in my last post about finally becoming a fully fledge blogger, I can safely say I have failed miserably so far. I am such a let down, and can only apologise whilst attempting the feeble excuse of I've been so busy...

But, I am now back and committed, for tonight anyway, to bring you my very first outfit post! Drum roll please. 

As you all know it was Valentines day a couple of days ago and I am lucky enough to have a wonderful boyfriend, who surprised me with the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers, to spend the evening with wining and dining (if you replace wine with sprite and dine with curly fries?) 

Although we stayed in I still wanted to make an effort and so popped into town and grabbed this little beauty. This lace dress is from Oasis, which was reduced to £20, it is such a flattering fit and a perfect colour for Valentines, which I teamed with my trusty black heels! 

Dress: Oasis Bag: Dorothy Perkins Shoes: French Connection

It was a lovely night and here are a few snaps from it, including the fine dining we enjoyed, who said curly fries can't be romantic? Hope you all had a romantic evening too, and enjoyed my first outfit post! 
Until next time. x 

Wednesday 1 February 2012


For a while now I have developed a slight obsession about starting my own fashion blog, without ever really having the guts to do it. But during a 2 day hangover haze, after watching some back-to-back Sex and the City, with Carrie as my inspiration, I am finally allowing my inner blogger to be released.

Now, I may never achieve her international fame (I can dream) or have her extensive wardrobe and enviable shoe collection (although for that I can try), I will now have a little part of the internet that I can call my own, to share my 'fashion'.

And although the thought of asking my friends to take pictures of me (almost) daily whilst I try to do my best 'skinny pose' is terrifying, it is something which cannot out weigh my love for shopping, styling and fashion. I can now stop jealously scouting other blogs wishing that was me, and finally have an excuse to shop, as if I have a blog I am going to need clothes to fill it with...

So here goes, wish me luck. x